So as much as I love bags, I am not a huge fan of big diaper bags. I prefer the smaller bags that can hold all the necessities and still manage to be chic. Problem is, very few diaper bag companies manage to make small bags that can actual hold all the necessities, look cute and not fall apart. The Buti Bag Company, however, got it right. Their Bundle ($59.99) is an amazing diaper clutch/bag that is extremely well made, durable and super cute. With tons of roomy pockets and their ingenious closure, these bags are perfect for moms of infants and toddlers. Best of all, because of their chic prints and style, the bags can be used as travel bags to hold toiletries and make-up after your little one is through with diapers! Just recently, The Buti Bag Company released their simplified version of the Bundle called the Bundle Baby. With fewer pockets and an included changing pad, the Bundle Baby ($39.99) is perfect for the budget-minded mom. Check out the Bundles and all the other cool stuff The Buti Bag Company has on their website at http://www.butibag.com/ I suggest picking up a couple of their binkmeisters as well. They work not only to hold pacifiers, but also sippy cups and snack cups!
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wow! they are lovely
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