I recently received one of the most entertaining little review items ever! Love, Mom by Dorree Shafiri and Jessica Grose is a hysterical collection of e-mails and text messages sent by moms who seem to be a little technology inept with a dash of crazy. It’s laugh out loud funny and really hits home. I mean who hasn’t received an e-mail from mom that made you question her sanity? From cursing to sex, to health issues and advice, this great little book will have you cracking up from start to finish. Just in time for Mother’s Day, Love, Mom makes the perfect little gift. I keep ours on the coffee table and everyone that opens it giggles with joy as they peruse the pages.
Visit the Love, Mom store today and pick up a few copies for friends and family (a great sibling gift idea). You’ll be glad you did. Fun, funny and oh so Mom-ish, this little book will have you smiling in no time.
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