This diaper bag is truly amazing! It is the only diaper bag out there that is pre-packed with everything you would possibly need on an outing with baby!! You can pop it in your car or stroller and you will always have what you need right there with you! It is the perfect gift for a new parent or even for yourself ~ never leave the house unprepared again!
It comes in 12 stylish patterns and has a durable plastic overlay inside and out for easy cleaning! You open it up like a briefcase and you can see everything right there in front of you in the clear zippered compartments! The BabyBeReady includes the following:
*onesie and baby bottle
*bib and burp cloth
*diapers and change pad
* rattle/teether
*pacifier & case
*sun hat
*travel wipes case

Visit Baby Dish to buy your BabyBeReady Diaper Bag Survial Kit today!
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