Ok, I am self professed "bag" a holic. I have tons of bags, purses, diaper bags, messenger bags, I love them. However, since I received my messenger bag from Simply Silhouettes, nothing else has left my closet. If you're looking for a way to wow a family member this holiday season, perhaps even evoke tears of joy (that's how beautiful the products at Simply Silhouettes are), you must visit their site and browse all of their amazing products. The messenger bag I have features two silhouettes, both of my little guys facing each other. What is fantastic, is how easy the whole process was. I Simply had the boys turn to their side, snapped a photo, noticed how large their heads are, and then e-mailed the photos over! I received a proof in just a few days. It was AMAZING how detailed the silhouettes were. I mean, completely obvious that it was my boys. Everything from the shapes of their noses to wisps of hair. When my bag arrived, I couldn't wait to show it off. Everywhere I go, people ask me about it. I'm telling you though, there are so many fabulous items on the site, it's hard to choose. I'm also in love with the jewelry and I think the room canvases would make unbelievable decor in a child's bedroom or playroom.
Oh... and just in time for the holidays, Simply Silhouettes has a new line of beautiful cards. The cost of the cards includes 4 silhouettes (you can pay a little extra for more than four if you need to). You can even include your pets, how fun is that? AND it doesn't stop there, check out the Christmas ornaments, think Grandma, she'll FLIP for these!
Visit Simply Silhouettes and make it your main holiday shopping stop, you will love the quality and the memory that it preserves is just priceless. I thing I may have to make the ornament a yearly tradition!
For more info, visit www.simplysilhouettes.com
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