If you are not familiar with gr8x products, now is the time to pay attention. This amazing line of diaper bags comes to you straight from down under. However, you do not have to travel to Australia to purchase these super practical, super functional, super fabulous bags. Luckily, they can be purchased direct from Regal Lager. What I really love about the gr8x line is that the styles are all different, so there is something for everyone. However, no matter the style, the features of each bag are so practical, that you will look good and keep things organized while doing it. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I really do love the Backpack Duo. It's two diaper bags in one. The Backpack Duo consists of one large backpack (lots of space, but no unnecessary compartments) and a smaller "quick trip to the store" version that holds enough for those little outings when you don't want to carry a full sized diaper bag. What's so super cool about the Backpack Duo is that the smaller backpack can actually zip on to the larger to give you even more space. Both bags come with straps that convert to be worn either as a backpack or as a shoulder bag. The set comes with a padded changing mat, an insulated bottle compartment, and a detachable phone case as well. The quality of this bag is unbelievable, the zippers are sturdy and the fabric is durable. I am loving my "chocolate" version and my 3 year old has taken over the mini pack. Another great feature, the colors are "dad" approved.
gr8x also offers a fantastic Satchel diaper bag. I have the Mystique (silky floral pattern) bag and it is absolutely beautiful. I have to admit, I have turned this one into my "mommy" bag. It's really roomy and can be worn as a "messenger" bag or as a backpack. The Satchel style bags come with a changing mat, bottle traveller, pacifier pouch, and cosmetic pouch. Just like the Backpack Duo, the quality is flawless.
If these great bags aren't enough for you, guess what there's more! Don't miss out on the gr8x Change Wallet. It's perfect to keep in the car for quick trips or outings to the park (just throw it in the bottom of the stroller or strap it to the handle with the provided "snap" loop). The Change Wallet folds open for easy changing and has compartments to hold a few diapers and a pack of travel wipes. It comes in coordinating colors, so you can get one to match your new gr8x diaper bag! Also, be sure to check out the gr8x Swaddling Wraps, they are STRETCHY, super soft cotton and come in a variety of great colors.
Visit the Regal Lager site today, all of the gr8x diaper bags come with a 2 year warranty, so you can't go wrong!
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